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Decentralized Fundraising – the future of funding

Decentralized fundraising is changing the face of raising capital. Decentralized fundraising offers a wide variety of options for those looking to find investment in their projects, using the blockchain, cryptocurrency, and tokens to facilitate the collection of funds rather than relying on a centralized financial institution. Utilizing these technologies creates a more transparent, efficient, and inclusive funding model. Without the need for intermediaries, and by employing peer-to-peer networks, costs and barriers to opportunities for investors and the business are significantly lowered. As we look to the future of fundraising, decentralized fundraising stands ready to set new standards. 

What is decentralized fundraising?

Decentralized fundraising raises capital without the need for intermediaries such as venture capital firms or banks. Instead, blockchain technology and smart contracts facilitate transactions between fundraisers and investors. This means a more secure and transparent fundraising process that is more accessible. Decentralized fundraising can come in various forms, from Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) to Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). Decentralized fundraising democratizes access to funding by allowing individuals worldwide to participate. 

Different types of decentralized fundraising 

There are multiple kinds of decentralized fundraising available right now, fueling the industry with opportunities today and laying the foundations for the future of collecting capital. 


Launchpads are a secure platform facilitating fundraising through initial coin offerings (ICOs). Launchpads offer security, support, and an easier way for investors and projects to find one another. Launchpads can also facilitate a community around the early stages of a project, with token holders able to engage with all elements of a company’s growth.  


ICOs are a fundraising mechanism where new cryptocurrencies or tokens are sold to early investors. Initial Coin Offerings aim to raise capital, similar to IPOs on the stock market, or general crowdfunding. It is a specific type of token sale, that often takes place on a Launchpad, designed to facilitate the launch of new crypto projects. With the collective engagement of token sales, investors have a deepened commitment to its success. 

Smart Contract-based Crowdsales

Smart contract-based crowdsales are a way to conduct token sales and fundraising on blockchain platforms. Smart Contract-based Crowdsales use self-executing contracts with the agreement directly written into code. They also automate the process of token distribution and collecting the funds, without the need for manual intervention.

Reverse ICOs

Reverse ICOs involve established companies issuing tokens to raise funds for expanding their blockchain initiatives. Unlike traditional ICOs launched by startups, reverse ICOs are conducted by existing businesses looking to integrate or enhance their operations using blockchain technology.

Decentralized autonomous Organization (DAO)

A DAO is an organization governed by smart contracts and operated through decentralized networks without central leadership. Decisions are made collectively by token holders, promoting transparency, fairness, and autonomy, as the organization’s rules and transactions are recorded on the blockchain.

What are the advantages of decentralized fundraising? 

Decentralized fundraising offers a secure and transparent means of raising funds. It is also a much more democratized arena, with a wider range of investors being able to participate regardless of geographical location or financial status. By eliminating intermediaries, backers can directly contribute to projects, and the projects receive a more significant amount of funds raised. 

The methods of decentralized fundraising mean that investors can get closer to the action. Projects are accessible, empowering both fundraisers and investors with the elimination of intermediaries that add space and take control over the process. 

Even when decentralized, fundraising needs to be safe and secure. Decentralized fundraising that is secure and regulated adds trust and credibility when people feel so personally close to the project. The specifics of regulation can depend on the project industry, or the location, such as the Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) framework in the European Union, or KYC/AML processes. This not only protects the investors but the projects being fundraised as well. 


Decentralized fundraising represents a huge shift in how we approach funding. With a blend of transparency, efficiency and democratization offered through blockchain technology, decentralized fundraising will continue to shape the future of financial support. As new technologies emerge and the industry adapts, we will see this ability to reduce cost, enhance security, and widen participation become more popular in the funding arena. Embracing this decentralized approach will benefit investors, encourage innovation, and create a more equitable and accessible future for fundraising.  

Author: The Fideum team
Article Posted in: News
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